
4 Easy Steps to Younger-Looking Skin



So you want to have younger looking skin.

You know your inside matters most, you’re not trying to pull a Benjamin Buttons, but you feel like if your outside matched your insides, then you’d feel extra great about yourself!


We get it and we’re here to help you accomplish this with 4 easy ways you can help improve the appearance of your skin and just maybe get carded the next time you’re out.




Easy Way #1


Drink more water


Yes, you’ve heard it before and now you’re hearing it again, but are you doing it?


Think back to your teen years and how fresh-faced you were! Consuming water at a higher level helps your skin look fuller and more hydrated, which leads to younger-looking skin!


You might be thinking, “Yes, I’d love to drink more water but it just tastes so……watery! It’s boring and I feel like I have to choke it down!”


Here’s a solution: try adding fruit slices to your water for a pleasant and tasty flavor! You can also find no-sugar flavor drops and add a few into a bottle of water to make the experience more interesting.


It’s okay to try small increases, as well. If you normally drink 2-3 glasses of water a day, increase to 4 glasses!

Easy Way #2


Consume a collagen supplement


Find a supplement which contains collagen Type 1 to improve your skin’s appearance.


Here’s the deal: collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and your body makes its own collagen molecules. But as you age, your production of it begins to slow down, which results in the appearance we associate with “getting older”. Pain in your joints, wrinkled skin, and sagging skin. 


Studies have shown consuming collagen can help increase skin elasticity and your skin’s repairing process.


In other words, it will help your skin look younger, be more elastic, and hold more water which creates fuller, plumper, more youthful looking skin!

Easy Way #3


Use sunblock every day


Whether it’s raining, cloudy, or sunny and bright outside, you want to apply sunblock daily!


A lot of people don’t like to do this because they don’t care for the way sunblock can feel greasy. But there are a lot of options which offer a nice feel, so try a few and find one you like.


We recommend going for a product with some form of zinc oxide.


Micronized zinc oxide is an excellent way to block out the sun’s rays and it’s referred to as a physical block because the rays can’t penetrate through the zinc oxide. As opposed to a chemical block, which may not be so healthy over the long term.


Try placing your sunscreen next to your toothbrush or even your coffee so you’re reminded to apply it before you head out the door!

Easy Way #4


Healthy mindful living


It’s often the basics which have the most effect!


Regardless of anything else you do, remember getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods packed with nutrients and vitamins, and cutting back on alcohol will all benefit your overall health, as well as the appearance of your skin.


And don’t forget to limit the amount of time outdoors in the sun!


Healthy skin begins on the inside but you CAN help how it appears on the outside. What matters most is the way you feel about yourself and who you are, but try combining our tips to get the most from your outward looks!